Ayr Parking Consultation 2023

South Ayrshire Council published its Parking Strategy for 2020 to 2024 which details its aims and aspirations for parking within the Council area, as such, an Ayr Parking Consultation took place between Monday 5 July 2021 and Monday 16 August 2021.

The findings of the consultation survey, published in the Consultation Outcome Report, was presented to the South Ayrshire Council Cabinet on January 17, 2023.

As a result of the feedback received during the previous consultation, Cabinet Members agreed that the following proposals should be removed from any further consideration at this time: 

- Introduction of parking charges within off-street car parks not currently subject to charges.

- Introduction of parking charges within Mill Street, Smith Street, Garden Street and the Esplanade.

What do we want from you?

The primary aim of this further engagement is to present refined proposals for residents parking and pay & display parking which helps address long standing issues concerning visitor and tradesperson parking. It further seeks to rationalise the existing pay & display charging periods.


Consultees are invited to review the proposals and have their say via the survey on:

- Whether they consider the refined proposals for residents parking and pay & display parking are appropriate,

- Whether the refined proposals for residents parking and pay & display parking extend far enough,

- And if there are any other issues, we should consider at this time.


The results of this consultation will help shape scheme development. They will be collated and presented to South Ayrshire Council Cabinet at a later date, along with officer recommendations on how any future schemes should proceed.

The parking scheme proposals for residents and pay & display parking are detailed in the following paragraphs, and there are multiple drawings available to view by clicking the appropriate PDF links. You may have your say on any of the proposals put forward.  

Any future parking scheme which needs to be underpinned by a Traffic Regulation Order will be subject to a further statutory advertising process during which objections may be raised.

Pay and Display Parking proposals

1. Rationalise charging periods across the existing zones to apply charges between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Saturday.

2. Extend pay and display into Bath Place, Pavilion Road, Cassillis Street, Charlotte Street (West) and Place de St Germain En-Laye (to be known as Zone A5).


There are currently two different charging periods applicable within certain streets within the pay & display zones:

-      9:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:30am to 1:00pm Saturday

-      8:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday and 8:00am to 1:00pm Saturday

In the interests of simplifying the offer for citizens and enabling a smoother transaction process, there is no longer a sound rationale for maintaining two different charging periods.

The Council recently introduced a "2 hours free" at any time during the day parking initiative, replacing the need for the free parking periods currently available under the existing set-up.

The streets within the vicinity of the County Buildings are the only streets within the wider town centre areas not currently subject to pay & display. The existing limited waiting restrictions are difficult to manage, and the desired turnover of spaces to enable ease of access to the County Buildings, Court and various other businesses is not achieved.

Under the current system, there are no permit options available to residents, businesses and guest houses located within these areas.

Residents parking proposals

1. Remove residents-only exclusivity within existing residents-only streets and create shared-use "Residents Permit / Limited Waiting"  parking zones (Scheme applicable Monday to Saturday, 8:00am to 6:00pm).

2. Introduce visitor, business, carer and tradespeople permit parking options (Scheme applicable Monday to Saturday, 8:00am to 6:00pm).


Permit parking within Ayr needs to be overhauled to make it fit for purpose. There are two schemes which apply:

- Type A permits, which cost £50.00 applies to residents who live within pay & display zones.

- Type B permits, which cost £0.50 (50 pence), applies to residents who live in residents-only streets.

The existing scheme for residents' only streets was introduced in the 1970s and has remained unaltered. Households are limited to a maximum of two permits, and there is no visitor permit option, even for short stays of under 3 hours.

Under both schemes, there is no option available for tradespeople who work in and around the town centre or for carers or other health care practitioners who make regular visits to residents within the proposed zones.

How the scheme will work:

All permits will be issued virtually via an online booking system (assistance available if required), and applicants shall be required to provide relevant documents to prove eligibility, such as a driving license or medical certificate.

Type A Permits within Pay and Display Zones

- Resident permits will continue to be available to anyone who lives in a property within a pay and display zone and owns a vehicle registered to that address.

- Resident visitor permits would be available to anyone who lives in a property within a pay and display zone.

- Business permits and business visitor permits would be available to any business located within the zones.

Type B Permits within Residential Zones

- Resident only streets would become shared-use parking areas where parking bays are available to anyone for up to a maximum of 3 hours or for unlimited time by anyone who has a permit. 

- Resident permits would be available to anyone who lives in a property within the zone(s) and owns a vehicle registered to that address.

- Resident visitor permits would be available to anyone who lives in a property within the zone(s). This means that visitors can stay for longer than the maximum permitted stay (proposed as 3 hours). Up to 5 vehicles may be registered against each permit.

-  The residents' carer permits would also be available to carers or medical professionals who regularly visit the resident.

- Business and visitor permits would be available to any business within the zone(s).

Proposed permit costs


Resident permit (Type A and B) - £60 annually or £28 quarterly 

Residents' visitor permit (Type A) - £5.00 per day, per permit 

Residents' visitor permit (Type B) - £20 annually per permit (covers up to 5 vehicles) 

Residents' carer permit - Free


Business permit (Type A) - £400 annually or £120 quarterly

Business' visitor permit (Type A) - £5.00 per day, per permit 

Business permit (Type B) - £100 annually or £30 quarterly

Business' visitor permit (Type B) - £2.50 per day, per permit 


Tradeperson permit (all zones) £400 annually or £120 quarterly

Areas covered by the proposed parking scheme 

Ayr - existing zones [PDF 2.43 Mb]

Ayr - proposed zones [PDF 2.47 Mb]


Zone A1 [PDF 3.32 Mb]

  • Citadel Place
  • Charlotte Street (East leg)
  • Wellington Square


Zone A2 [PDF 3.39 Mb]  

  • Academy Street
  • Boat Vennel
  • Cathcart Street
  • Fort Street
  • New Bridge Street
  • Sandgate
  • South Harbour Street
  • St Johns Street


Zone A3 [PDF 3.89 Mb]

  • Barns Street
  • Boswell Park
  • Carrick Street
  • Douglas Street
  • Fullarton Street
  • Fort Street
  • George Street
  • Hope Street
  • Newmarket Street
  • Old Bridge Street
  • River Street
  • River Terrace


Zone A4 [PDF 3.46 Mb] 

  • Alloway Street
  • Beresford Terrace
  • Dalblair Road
  • High Street
  • Killock Place
  • Kyle Street
  • Mill Street
  • Mill Wynd
  • Parkhouse Street
  • Smith Street


Zone A5 [PDF 3.13 Mb] 

  • Charlotte Street (West)
  • Bath Place
  • Pavilion Road
  • Cassillis Street
  • Place de St Germain En-Laye


Zone A6 [PDF 3.08 Mb]  

  • Wellington Lane


Zone A7 [PDF 3.01 Mb]

  • Kyle Street Car Park


Zone B1 [PDF 3.29 Mb] 

  • Ailsa Place
  • Arran Terrace
  • Bruce Crescent
  • Cromwell Road
  • Eglington Place
  • Eglington Terrace
  • Montgomery Terrace
  • Queens Terrace
  • Seabank Road
  • Unnamed Street


Zone B2 [PDF 3.23 Mb] 

  • Alloway Park
  • Barns Park
  • Barns Crescent
  • Fairfield Road
  • Park Terrace


Zone B3 [PDF 3.21 Mb]

  • Bellevue Crescent
  • Park Circus


Zone B4 [PDF 3.15 Mb]

  • Ashgrove Street
  • Dongola Road
  • St Andrews Street


Zone B5 [PDF 3.28 Mb]

  • Alloway Place
  • Limmer Road


Zone B6 [PDF 3.22 Mb] 

  • Bellevue Street


Zone B7 [PDF 3.11 Mb] 

  • Garden Street


Zone B8 [PDF 3.19 Mb] 

  • Content Avenue
  • Fotheringham Road


Zone B9 [PDF 2.39 Mb]

  • Glebe Crescent
  • Glebe Road
  • Green Street
  • Waggon Road
  • York Street


Zone B10 [PDF 3.29 Mb] 

  • Falkland Road
  • Falkland Park Road
  • Union Avenue
  • McCalls Avenue

Share your views 

Your opinion matters to us, help us update our parking arrangements in Ayr by reviewing the South Ayrshire Council Parking Strategy and Consultation Outcome Report before sharing your views on our short Ayr Parking Consultation survey which will close 31 January 2024.

Contact Information

Phone: 01563 503 160

E-mail: enquiries@ayrshireroadsalliance.org

Address:  Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD